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Safeguarding children and vulnerable adults

Child Protection Statement



Shoreline Church


Safeguarding Statement 


Shoreline Church is committed to safeguarding and protecting the welfare of children and vulnerable adults attending all our meetings and activities. The policy and procedures apply to all children, young people and vulnerable adults regardless of gender, ethnicity, disability, sexuality or religion.


The primary people responsible for safeguarding are Kevin and Julie Stares. If abuse or inappropriate behaviour is suspected this should be discussed with Kevin or Julie or in there absence one of the church leaders. (Telephone number 0746 2066104 and 0753 1856465


All volunteers helping with children’s activities and supporting vulnerable adults should have a current DBS check. 


The safeguarding policy will be regularly reviewed. 


Associated Practice Guidance 

1. How to respond to abuse, inappropriate behaviour or suspicions of abuse 

a. The people who are responsible for safeguarding are Kevin and Julie Stares. If abuse is suspected this should be discussed with one or both of them.


2. Confidential records of concern 

a. Records of concern will be kept, in a secure location. Confidentiality will be respected. 


3. Contact names and details for other agencies and resources 

a. Police - if there is a situation of immediate and serious danger then call 999 

b. Childrens’ Services, Hampshire County Council 

i. 0300 555 1384 

ii. Out of hours 0300 555 1373 

c. Adult services 0300 555 1386 


4. Safe recruitment of helpers

a. We undertake to exercise proper care in the selection and appointment of all helpers. All helpers will be required to have a current DBS check. 


5. Procedures for dealing with allegations against helpers or other individuals

a. The people responsible for safeguarding are Kevin and Julie Stares. If abuse or inappropriate behaviour is suspected this should be discussed with them or a member of the leadership team.


6. Code of behaviour 

a. Shoreline Church is committed to following the Home Office Code of Practice “Safe from harm’. 


7. Complaints procedure 

a.  Any complaints will be passed to the leaders of Shoreline church.


8. Information sharing arrangements 

a. All information concerning adults and children will be kept confidential. Information will be shared on a ‘need to know’ basis, with other professional bodies.

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